By Dr. Kim DiStefano DACM, L.Ac. and Dr. Jacintha Roemer DACM, L.Ac.

Disclaimer: Please consult your Primary Care Physician before integrating any of these protocols for yourself, these are suggestions for educational purposes. We caution anyone reading this to not mix herbs listed here in this blog or on our website if you are currently taking prescription drugs and to consult with your physician.
Baby Boomer and the Immune System
The most vulnerable demographic are those who are 55+ and older. These individuals tend to have a lowered immune system. Why? As we age, endure traumas, illnesses, stressors, etc. and move through time - the body is challenged by the many factors it experiences.
We encourage you to take a look at "Herbs, Immunity, Health" a book Dr. Jaz and Dr. Kim co-authored about natural anti-viral protocols for the general population. Learn more at:
A few of the important things we have highlighted for this age group and share with you from our book:
Getting quality sleep - when we sleep is when we heal, our body's regeneration and immune health are enhanced during deep sleep.
Exercise - Keeping your lungs healthy, is a great way to keep your immune system optimized. Exercise stimulates the lungs and vascular systems, improves the quality of muscle function, releases endorphins in the brain and in turn improves the cells of our immune system. According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), your lungs are your first line of defense. To learn more watch this Healing Minute video about the Defense Qi of our bodies:
Nutritional Therapy - eating healthy, clean foods to give your body the best fuel for your immune system.
Meditation - keeping stress levels down are essentials for keep your immune system in optimal function. Not sure where to start? Dr. Jaz offers online meditation courses both for free and for purchase here.
Hydration Hydration Hydration - Keeping our body hydrated is key. Another thing to consider is knowing your water source is extremely important; if we are ingesting water with increased toxins, it can set the body and immune system back instead of forward. You can test your water with testing strips or many grocery or water stores may exist in a city near you.
Chinese Herbal Therapy - Mushrooms - Chinese herbs have been used for thousands of years to boost the immune system, decrease inflammation and have anti-viral properties among other things. Here are two suggestions from our Doctors of Chinese Medicine's personal medicine cabinets.
Please consult your Primary Care Physician before integrating any of these protocols for yourself.

Reishi Mushroom
This medicinal fungus has anti-tumor and immuno-stimulation activity because of the beta glucans and polysaccharides found within them.
According to TCM and how it's been used for thousands of years in Chinese Herbology is that it tonifies the heart, liver and lungs. It also replenishes the qi, nourishes blood, calms the mind and transforms mucus and stops cough.

Chaga Mushroom
This fungus an immuno-modulating effect that is attributed to the cytokine secretion in immune cells and regulation of antigen-specific antibody productions. It also has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
Cytokines are produced when we sleep. This is why getting quality and quantity of sleep is important for your immune health.
According to TCM Chaga mushroom affects the spleen, stomach, liver and kidney. Builds the Qi , calms the Shen, tonifies the kidneys, spleen, liver. Clears toxins and builds blood.
Want to Learn More?
If you are interested in receiving a personalized Herbal Consult from a trusted Chinese Medicine Doctor, we offer in-person Herbal Consults and also Telehealth Herbal Consult options.
Please call or email our office to schedule your session with our experts.
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FDA Disclaimer. The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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